For example, many UNIXes include a d_type member and some additional constants that let you check a directory entry's type without making an additional stat() call. 例如,许多UNIX包含一个dtype成员和一些附加常量,这样一来,您无需额外的stat()调用就可以检查目录条目的类型。
This section explores the superblock, the index node ( or inode), the directory entry ( or dentry), and finally, the file object. 这个小节探索了超块(superblock)、索引节点(或inode)、目录条目(或dentry)和文件对象。
At the very least, you can't tell a file entry from a directory entry from the name alone. 至少,仅根据目录条目的名称,您无法辨别文件条目。
Ibm-ptaReferral: This auxiliary objectclass is associated with a Tivoli Directory Server entry to define entry-specific mapping in the pass-through server. ibm-ptaReferral:这个辅助的objectclass与一个TivoliDirectoryServer条目相关联,以定义直通服务器中特定条目的映射。
The dn parameter specifies the directory entry and the attribute specifies the attribute to delete. dn参数指定此目录项,attribute参数指定要删除的那个属性。
The root directory entry ( dentry) object is cached here also, as is the block device on which this file system resides. 根目录条目(dentry)对象也缓存在这里,因为它是文件系统所在的块设备。
A hard link is a directory entry that points to an inode, while a soft link or symbolic link is a directory entry that points to an inode that provides the name of another directory entry. 一个硬链接是指向inode的一个目录条目,而一个软链接或符号链接是指向提供另一目录条目名称的inode的一个目录条目。
This identity confirmation associates the contributor's contact details from a corporate directory with the catalog entry, thus leading to community building. 此身份确认将投稿人在公司目录中的联系人信息与目录项关联起来,从而进行了社区的建设。
RDN Hash-based splitting: The directory server entry is used to calculate a unique hash value. 基于RDN散列的分割:使用目录服务器条目计算一个惟一的散列值。
Each directory contains an entry script that can also invoke other scripts or files. 每个目录包含一个入口脚本,该脚本还可以调用其他脚本或文件。
Dn& the DN of the directory entry to modify. dn&要修改的目录项的DN。
In our example, suppose we wanted information about the lpi103-2 directory entry itself as it is listed in the parent directory. 在我们的示例中,假设当在父目录中列出目录时,我们希望获得有关lpi103-2目录条目本身的信息。
Delete ( args) Deletes a directory entry for a specified DN, which is the only supported argument. delete(args)针对指定的DN删除目录项,DN是所支持的惟一参数。
A directory entry contains a name for a file or directory and a pointer to the inode where the information about the file or directory is stored. 一个目录条目包含一个文件名或目录名,以及存储有文件或目录相关信息的inode的指针。
The file's directory entry contains a hard link ( or pointer) to the inode for the file, so every entry listed should have at least one hard link. 文件的目录条目包含到文件的inode的硬链接(或指针),因此列出的每个条目都应该至少拥有一个硬链接。
A link is simply an additional directory entry for a file or directory, allowing two or more names for the same thing. 一个链接仅仅是文件或目录的一个附加目录条目,允许同一文件或目录有两个或多个名称。
At the bottom of the while loop, you read another directory entry and process it. 在while循环的底部,读取另一个目录条目并对其进行处理。
These buttons can perform such functions as initiating a call to the currently highlighted directory entry. 这些能执行一些功能,比如对当前突出显示的目录条目发起一个呼叫。
For each directory entry, the filldir() function should be called. 对于每个目录项来说,都应该调用filldir()函数。
As the loop progresses, each record is wrapped in its own directory entry tags; after the loop is complete, the setup for the buttons begins. 循环进行时,每条记录都被封装到记录自己的目录条目标记中;循环完成后,按钮的设置就开始了。
Mail id invalid or not unique, cannot resolve to directory authorization entry. 邮件id无效或不唯一,无法分解成目录权限条目。
Object that represents the directory entry for the site link bridge object. 对象,它表示站点链接桥对象的目录项。
Object that represents the directory entry for the schema property. 对象,它表示架构属性的目录项。
Export all directory entries in LDIF add entry format. 导出所有ldif添加条目格式的目录条目。
Please select a directory entry shape and then re-execute this command. 请选择目录条目形状,然后重新执行该命令。
Delete all instances of this directory entry? 是否删除该目录条目的所有实例?
A 32 byte directory entry describing an allocated data set or volume. 描述一个已分配数据集或文卷的一种32字节的目录项。
Directory User Entry update failed while moving user. 移动用户过程中,directory用户条目更新失败。
Object that represents the security descriptor for this directory entry. 对象,表示此目录项的安全说明符。
And the second level directory is organized as a limited pointers directory which keeps a directory entry for each memory line. 第二级目录组织成有限指针目录,每个存储器块在这一级目录中都有对应的目录项。